Author: Fusion Childcare Services

Welcome Bobby

MEET BOBBY!! Hi, my name is Bobby and I am really excited to be working for Fusion. I have worked with children since I was 16 – a child myself! My passion lies with foreign languages, and I did Arabic, French, and Spanish at university, so I am really looking forward to teaching the kids [&he


Inventor Day! Today at Fusion we had a lovely parent, Mrs Judkins in to Fusion to talk about her job of a Brand Manager. We spoke about our favourite flavour Fruit Shoot and what we would like in a future fruit shoot, we also designed a label and got to take one home. Thank you […]

Inventor Day

Samuel morse and Alfred vail invented morse code. We learnt to use morse code and invented our own messages for our partner to solve. It’s harder than you think, but a valuable skill. Washington Sheffield invented toothpaste, we used toothpaste to paint with- Look at our creations # Charles Macint